Attorney gets what he wishes for, decidedly dissatisfied

While Rickets was initially impressed that he met the classy, charming 54-year-old wife of a 71 year-old presidential candidate, he was disappointed when he actually had to perform in bed and deal with her insecurities and clinginess. Rickets expressed dissatisfaction that he, as a fine young black man with two degrees from presitigious universities and an extremely large salary, has to deal with a clingy old, wrinkly white woman. However, bound by honor and the code of "slumming," Rickets decided to make the most of the situation and dealt with it as any other relationship. He yelled at her, called her names and felt big about bossing around a rich white wife-of-another-man. And, typical of such misegenation, Cindy adores him and his abuse.
Rickets, however, is currently bored of her and continues to insist on never smiling for cameras. John McCain declined comment and redirected the question to discuss petroleum futures policy, while his wife, Cindy, merely giggled and rubbed some caked-on material off of her cheek.