Pastel Finagles Out of Legal Trouble Again; Hit with Speeding Ticket
Pastel, a longtime self-described Bond nerd, has only recently been able to afford renting the famous MI6 auto for a day. He laughed off the $1000US fine and said that if he had the opportunity, he would definitely do it again. Pastel proudly said he was pushing nearly 80 mph in that thing and that only a man like himself could really test the limits of a machine like that. After being slammed with the ticket, he said he wished they had opened fire on him, claiming "I totally could've dodged those shells. I'm just like James Bond. That would've been so cool!"
Pastel also went on the record to say that the best James Bond was Timothy Dalton and that the new Bond, "Daniel Greg is totally gay." But said too, that he enjoyed the movie - "it was pretty cool."