Give her a round of applause! This is a company statement of support intended for immediate release. 
Akron (GSP). At GSL Enterprises, Inc, we pride ourselves on offering quality chamomile-based natural skin care, health care and beauty care products that go along with our customized mortuary and funeral services. We also pride ourselves on fruitful relationships with friends and colleagues and offer our support to those who have supported us through the years.
In this regard, we are pleased to congratulate
Andia Susan Winslow for her recent election as a bona fide “
golf babe”. Andia has been a faithful supporter of GSL Enterprises since its inception in New Haven back in 2003 when chamomile-based lotions were not yet formulated and extreme cadaver make-overs were just a dream. Many fond memories abound from those halcyon days. Despite liberal displays of her underpants (see right), everyone at GSL Enterprises, including company CEO Curtis Nguyen; Warehouse Supervisor Elmo Buchanan; and Paralegal Dimejios Ashley-Ogun have valued her support and above all her friendship, especially during the difficult times.
Surprisingly, Andia has since blossomed into a grown woman with incomparable success. Her golfing prowess, racial awareness, and generous (though a bit crunchy) personality have lead her to her remarkable achievements. For example, she currently runs an enormously
popular blog of instructional videos for working out (many of which feature her
jumping around in a bikini), is engaged in a successful
bikini modeling career (see below) and tweets from an
electrifying Twitter account (presumably while wearing a bikini). Moreover, she continues to break hearts and has been linked to such A List men as Roi, Kervy, and Dr. Rama Pastel. We encourage all GSL Enterprises customers to frequent her sites often and keep her in mind when opening their wallets. It cannot be said enough that she is a rising star in the golf world and blogosphere.
Well done, Andian, and keep up the great work! We will be monitoring your accomplishments closely!
Dr. Rama Pastel witnesses perfection.