Scientists Reveal Possible Source of Perversion

Drs. Tobias Fuenke and Dina Robins used fMRI measured concentrations of D2 and D3 dopamine receptors in the mesolimbosocratic region of test subject, Pastel-83, over a period of several years.
“We recruited Pastel-83 because he was a known pervert based on reports by his friends. After several baseline measures of the dopamine receptors in his brain, we measured his dopamine levels prior-to and during witness of internet porn of his active choice (Pastel-83 was allowed unlimited access). The fMRI showed us that dopamine cascades in his brain at the onset of internet porn watching and often physical self-manipulation. As time went on, we noticed that the concentration of D2 and D3 receptors were growing exponentially. Concurrently, we noticed the subject going into what appeared to be withdrawal symptoms, while his frequency of internet porn watching was increasing and his website choices were changing. In the beginning, Pastel-83 chose to look at Playboy websites (coded as "normal porn"). By the end of the study, he was looking at illicit and morally-objectional materials (the scientists coded this as “weird porn”). Due to the instantaneous nature of internet porn as well as the correlated increase in dopamine receptors and withdrawal, we concluded that Pastel-83 became dependent on internet porn and began to seek out new, more instantaneous highs (weird porn). This phenomena could only be called 'Perversion' by every definition of the term.”
Medical College of Virginia researchers are encouraged that they may have discovered the mechanism by which perversion is developed in today’s internet and self-gratifying environment. When asked if there is anything one can do to prevent this development, researchers replied that "it is impossible to prevent this. Only the police can deal with consequences."
Pastel-83 is currently awaiting arraignment in a Santa Monica, CA jail.
Finally, a good explanation about my own perversion! At least science acknowledges that there is a physiological basis for what affects dozens of Indian doctors around the world.
Anonymous, at 5:58 AM
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