GSL Public Service Announcement: There is nothing in this world that is that funny.

Have you ever woken up from a deep sleep at 3am to unrelenting squeals of laughter and clapping coming through the drywall? Have you ever been on a Chinatown bus, and been forcibly witness to a cellphone conversation, replete with whoops, primal screams of pleasure, and claps?
Well, over the past year, I have been privy to these situations, and I have asked myself, what can possibly be that funny?
The fact that Latavia said that Laquisha's butt is the largest in the world when in fact Latavia's butt is the largest in the world, is not that funny. Perhaps intentional contradictions such as these are slightly funny but not to the extent that they justify unregulated expressions of pleasure that must and always disturb my Zen.
I choose to concern myself with existence, choosing the correct way to live, and striving to be the best person I can be. Birth, life, death, they are all serious. Why laugh? Why not try showing respect where respect is due?
Perhaps in a Platonic Universal Sphere, in which Ultimate Perfection and perhaps Perfect Funiness reigns, there is something that is that funny, in essence and in itself. But in this imperfect, perceptible world, there cannot possibly be something that is that funny.
I am just not a fun guy.
I know what is funny. Latavia's butt!
* CLAP *
gnd83, at 9:49 AM
stop putting oxy in your nose!
Anonymous, at 9:04 AM
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