Pastel’s Recipe Sees Terrible Reviews, Sour Faces

Akron OH (GSP). A recent Eater’s Digest article indicated that Dr. Pastel’s latest vegetarian cheese and mustard sandwich has received terrible reviews among moms and their kids.
A particularly nasty letter from a Boston mother said that she downloaded the time-saving recipe to make for her kids for dinner, since she didn’t have much time between driving them to flute lessons, tae kwon-do classes and soccer practice. However, the kids hated Pastel’s recipe, finding it distasteful, un-nutritious, and just plain “gross.”
Mom said that she followed the recipe exactly as outlined from the GSP website and that the sandwich still fell short of par. “I’ve never seen so much pouting, crying and vomiting. This was, single handedly, the worst recipe I’ve ever used. Pastel should go shake his head, get some tastebuds, a new stomach and have his medical license revoked. I’d rather feed my little girl (pictured above) cat food than anything Pastel recommends.”
Although her kids were of mixed heritage (Asian and white), their race apparently had nothing to do with their averse reaction to Pastel’s food. Hapa expert Jared Eng said, “If anything they should be really keen on the sandwich – after all, it is just yellow and white. In reality though, it is just a really shitty sandwich.”
Pastel and GSL Enterprises who co-wrote and posted the recipe are consulting to lawyers to avoid a drawn-out lawsuit and legal battle with disgruntled mothers and sick hapa girls.
A particularly nasty letter from a Boston mother said that she downloaded the time-saving recipe to make for her kids for dinner, since she didn’t have much time between driving them to flute lessons, tae kwon-do classes and soccer practice. However, the kids hated Pastel’s recipe, finding it distasteful, un-nutritious, and just plain “gross.”
Mom said that she followed the recipe exactly as outlined from the GSP website and that the sandwich still fell short of par. “I’ve never seen so much pouting, crying and vomiting. This was, single handedly, the worst recipe I’ve ever used. Pastel should go shake his head, get some tastebuds, a new stomach and have his medical license revoked. I’d rather feed my little girl (pictured above) cat food than anything Pastel recommends.”
Although her kids were of mixed heritage (Asian and white), their race apparently had nothing to do with their averse reaction to Pastel’s food. Hapa expert Jared Eng said, “If anything they should be really keen on the sandwich – after all, it is just yellow and white. In reality though, it is just a really shitty sandwich.”
Pastel and GSL Enterprises who co-wrote and posted the recipe are consulting to lawyers to avoid a drawn-out lawsuit and legal battle with disgruntled mothers and sick hapa girls.
Cute pic. Looks like my sister when she was little.
Hapas rule!
Anonymous, at 10:56 AM
hehe, i would never date an asian guy. their all too short!
see you laters.
Anonymous, at 10:58 AM
aside from being a complete racist, this woman obviously doesn't know how to handle her kids. kids don't know what they like. they have to be told. and trust me, they like cheese and bread.
Anonymous, at 5:22 PM
that is the cutest baby picture i have ever seen.
amar pastel is a monster. who would want to injure a sweet girl like that?
Anonymous, at 6:34 PM
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