Pastel's Full House
Hollywood, CA (GSP). E Daily Ten reports rumors that Dr. Pastel of GSL Enterprises has hired Pixar to edit out Michelle from Full House episodes, for which he is reported to have sold 30% of his GSL share stake to secure sole rights from Nick-At-Night. Rumors have flared after Dr. Pastel wrote an honest essay of the merits of Full House in Readers Digest, maintaining that the show would have still been in production without baby Michelle. Quoted from this writing: "You got Jesse, cool as shit. Rebecca Donaldson, hottest sitcom woman just ahead of Hillary Banks, you got Danny who makes you warm inside with his heart to hearts with the girls, you got the foundation Joey Gladstone, accepted into the family, foundation of laughter. You got DJ, big sister advice to a nation, and Stephanie, cute, funny, the true kid talent of the show. Michelle is a bitch and a lump."
that's original
Anonymous, at 3:53 PM
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